
About OsCommerce

Why OsCommerce?

Someday, I had situation where must choose which E-Commerce Open Source Application match with my E-Commerce website concept. OsCommerce is the chosen one, after trial another Open Source like Joomla with Virtue Mart and Magento. The reason is OsCommerce is simple application, low space used, and off course easy to use. Although OsCom have difficulty to edit or develop new modules and template. You must have PHP skill to do that.

osCommerce is an online shop e-commerce solution that offers a wide range of out-of-the-box features that allows online stores to be setup fairly quickly with ease, and is available for free as an Open Source based solution released under the GNU General Public License.

osCommerce was started in March 2000 and has since matured to a solution that is currently powering 12,319 registered live shops around the world.

Today, osCommerce has been taken to the next level, moving towards an e-commerce framework solution that not only remains easy to setup and maintain, but also making it easier for store administrators to present their stores to their customers with their own unique requirements.

The success of osCommerce is secured by a great and active community where members help one another out and participate in development issues reflecting upon the current state of the project.

You are more than welcome to contribute to the success of osCommerce by helping out in the realization of the project, by participating in the forums, by donating to the team developers and sponsoring the project, or just by spreading the word!


Specific Input Validation

In default, PHP is not provide pre-devined function to handle specific input, like Email Address, IP, and Host name. Beside that, you can creat patern with using regular expression.

To do specific input validation, You need to use ereg() or eregi() . Both function have same functionality, but ereg() using by case-sensitive patern, while eregi() is case-insensitive.

/** Function for date verification, with format dd-mm-yyyy, @return true if correct, false if wrong **/

function isTgl($tgl) {
if (ereg("^([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{4}$",$tgl, $part) && checkdate($part[2], $part[1], $part[3])) { return true; } else { return false; }}

/*function to email verification */
function isEmail($str) {
return(ereg('^[^@]+@([a-z\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,4}$', $str)); }

if (isset($_POST['oke'])) {
if (isTgl($_POST['tgl']) && isEmail($_POST['email'])) {
echo 'input valid
echo $_POST['tgl']. '
' .$_POST['email'];
}else {
echo 'input tidak valid';

checkdate() function will be return true value if month value is 1-12, year 1-32767 and day value depend on year and month (from Gregorian calender).

XtoYsoft Blu-Ray to HD Ripper

This application is professional tools for convert Blue Ray file to HD (High Definition) with excellent result.
Usefull :
BlueRay -> avi HD -> mkv HD and many more.



Megaupload Downloader

A lots of interesting files uploaded with many services. Which is Megaupload,, MediaFire, YouTube and another else. If doing normally download, we will found many bothering ads. To stay away with that, use this aplication. Megaupload Downloader can be handle many difference serv.

Source : http://mudownloader.sourceforge.net

Guitar Pro

Since I used Guitar Pro for learning guitar, my guitar skill was rapidly better and better. Guitar Pro is the best software for Guitar. That's a lot of song you can play with Guitar Pro, of course to get song you must download it. File extension for Guitar Pro is .gp3, gp4, gp5 or gp6. Number on the back of extension is version of Guitar Pro. You're not play guitar without background sound like drum, bass, piano etc. With Guitar Pro you can play with all background, so you're not play alone.

Guitar pro have guitar bar on the top of screen and tablature, it's easy to read if you can't read tablature, because you can also read on Guitar Bar.

info : http://www.guitar-pro.com

DarkWave Studio

With this program you will be able to improvise recording and mixing job. DarkWave Studio can be integrated with another aplication or plugin which is match with this program.

DarkWave Studio
By Daniel Werner / ExperimentalScene

DarkWave Studio is a free, open source, Digital Audio Workstation for Windows. Featuring a modular Virtual Studio, Pattern Editor, Sequence Editor and Multitrack Hard Disk Recorder. It has support for VST/VSTi instrument and effect plugins. The virtual studio has a modular design allowing machines to be connected in an ad-hoc fashion. The pattern editor enables the quick creation and modification of patterns by clicking to add or delete notes and dragging notes to move or resize them. The sequence editor allows you to queue patterns to play for each control track in any arrangement, enabling reuse of patterns and quickly remixing projects. The Multitrack Hard Disk Recorder allows you to record the output of any machine and record it to 16-bit Integer of 32-bit Floating Point PCM encoded .WAV files for full-quality post-production editing or for conversion to MP3/FLAC/etc.

* Native x64 and x86 Windows Platform Support
* VST PlugIn Support - Limitlessly Expandable With Instrument and Effects PlugIns
* ASIO Audio Driver Support - Low Latency Output
* Multi Core / Multi CPU Support
* Makes Use Of SSE2 Optimizations When Supported By The CPU
* Full 64-bit Double Precision Floating Point Audio Processing

Bundled PlugIns

* ES MIDI Input - Play Instruments From A Music Keyboard
* ES MIDI Output - Sequence External MIDI Synthesizers
* ES Mixer - 8 Track Stereo Mixer With 2 Auxilary Tracks
* ES DGenR8 - Synthesize Drum Beats With Roland TR-909 Flavour
* ES BassHead - Top Notch Virtual Analog Subtractive Synthesizer
* ES SpatialVerb - Realistic Reverb Effects With The Smoothest Sound
* ES Stomp - Synthesize That Classic Techno Thumping Kick Drum
* ES AntiAlias - 32x Digital Oversampling Filter
* ES QuadDelay - For Trippy Echo Effects

Platform Support

Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP

Please visit http://www.experimentalscene.com/software/darkwave-studio/

from http://www.experimentalscene.com


Dexpot - virtual desktop

If you want to have some virtual desktop view for more efisien on your space work. Dexpot is the best choice for that.

Dexpot can change monitor view and split your monitor until 20 view. This program make user able to concentrate better, without disturbed with no necessary view.

This program help me a lot, because i'm working with multi task on my computer.

Info : www.dexpot.de